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Well Management Section System

Licensed Well and Boring Contractor Directory

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License Types
A = Well Contractor: A well contractor may construct, repair, and seal environmental bore holes, elevator boring excavations, groundwater thermal exchange devices, vertical heat exchangers and wells including; water-supply wells, dewatering wells, drive-point (sand point) wells, dug wells, and monitoring wells, and install pumps and pumping equipment.

D = Limited Dewatering Well Contractor: A limited dewatering well contractor may construct, repair, or seal dewatering wells.

E = Explorer Company: The explorer may construct and seal exploratory borings.

F = Responsible Individual (Explorer Company): A responsible individual is the representative for a licensed explorer company.

I = Individual Well Contractor: An individual well contractor has met the qualifications to be a certified representative, but who is currently not representing a licensed well contractor (company) and cannot perform well contracting work.

L = Elevator Boring Contractor: An elevator boring contractor may construct, repair or seal an excavation or boring for the hydraulic cylinder of an elevator boring.

M = Monitoring Well Contractor: A monitoring well contractor may construct, repair, and seal monitoring wells and environmental bore holes and install sampling pumps.

N = Environmental Well Contractor: An environmental well contractor may construct, repair, and seal environmental wells, including wells commonly referred to as monitoring wells, remedial wells, piezometers, geotechnical borings, inclinometers, vapor recovery systems and sparge points. An environmental well contractor may install and remove sampling pumps and remedial pumps in an environmental well. An environmental well contractor may not construct, repair, or seal other types of wells, including domestic water-supply wells.

P = Limited Pump Installer: A limited pump contractor may install or repair well pumps or pumping equipment.

S = Limited Well Screen and Pitless Adapter/Unit Contractor: A limited well screen or pitless contractor may install or repair well screens, pitless units or adapters, and casings above the pitless connection.

T = Pump, Pitless, and Screen Contractor: A limited pump, pitless, and screen contractor may install, remove, and repair well pumps and pumping equipment, pitless units and adapters; well casing above the pitless connection; and well screens.

U = Limited Dug Well/Drive-Point Well Contractor: A limited dug well/drive-point well contractor may construct, repair, install pumps, and seal dug wells and drive-point (sand point) wells.

V = Limited Vertical Heat Exchanger Contractor: A limited vertical heat exchanger contractor may construct, repair, and seal vertical heat exchangers (also known as geothermal heat loops).

W = Limited Well Sealing Contractor: A limited well sealing contractor may remove obstructions in wells prior to sealing, remove or perforate casings, and seal wells.

Where can I get more information or help?

If you have any questions regarding Licensed Well Contractors, contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section Central Office at or at 651-201-4600 or 800-383-9808.

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