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Well Management Section System

Well Disclosure Certificate Search

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Disclaimer Statement for the Well Disclosure Information Website

Information on this website is public information and may be distributed or copied. We strongly recommend that Well Management Section (WMS) data be acquired directly from a WMS server and not through other sources that may change the data in some way. While WMS makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information, various data such as names, telephone numbers, etc., may change prior to updating this site. WMS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of furnished data.

Some of the documents on this website contain links to information created and maintained by other organizations. WMS does not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of these outside materials.

Data to this website is updated on a daily basis. To verify that you have obtained the most current information, you may call: 651-201-4600.

I have read and accept this disclaimer.

Where can I get more information or help?

If you have any questions regarding Well Disclosure, contact the Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section Central Office at or at 651-201-4600 or 800-383-9808.

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